Are you motivated by money? Looking to create a comfortable life for yourself and your loved ones? Some professions pay better than others, especially once you reach the top of the ladder. Whatever your reasons, earnings – and potential earnings – will likely be key considerations in your career choice. Here are 10 of the highest paid jobs in Australia and their average taxable income, as revealed by the ATO last year.

  1. Surgeon $457,281

Surgeons are highly trained medical professionals, who specialise in one of nine surgical specialities, e.g. neurosurgery, plastic & reconstructive surgery or paediatric surgery.

For more information about becoming a surgeon, head to The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

  1. Anaesthetist $426,894

This is another role in the medical field that requires specialist training and experience. Anaesthetists play a key part in providing anaesthesia and pain relief to patients undergoing medical and surgical procedures. They are also involved in other areas, including intensive care and resuscitation.

The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists & Faculty of Pain Medicine has more information about becoming an anaesthetist.

  1. Financial Dealer $341,798

Financial dealers make money by making money for their clients. Dealers have a deep understanding of the financial markets and use this to buy and sell financial securities for investors, including banks and their clients.

This is a highly competitive profession with most dealers being employed by investment banks. Applicants are usually degree-educated in a relevant subject, e.g. accounting, finance or business.

  1. Internal Medicine Specialist $334,267

Yet another medical profession on the list! Internal medicine specialists are experienced in diagnosing and treating adults with complex disorders and diseases that affect the internal organs and systems.

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians has more information about training in adult internal medicine.

  1. Psychiatrist $270,412

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialise in mental health. They diagnose and treat a range of disorders in adults and children, including severe depression, ADHD and PTSD.

If you are interested in becoming a psychiatrist, head to The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists.

  1. Other Medical Practitioners $251,722

This category of earners includes specialist medical professionals, such as gynaecologists, pathologists and ophthalmologists.

Pathways to these professions vary, but all require significant further education and experience.

  1. Mining Engineer $196,178

Australia has long been a land rich in resources, and many have made – and continue to make – good money working in the mining sector. This includes mining engineers who appear in 7th position on the ATO list.

Mining engineers can be involved in multiple activities from mine exploration and assessment through to mine design and management, and eventual closure. The minimum qualification to work in this role is a bachelor’s degree in engineering, majoring in mining or geotechnical engineering.

  1. Judicial or Other Legal Professions $193,388

This category includes judges and magistrates; it doesn’t include solicitors and barristers. These professionals hear legal and other matters in courts and tribunals. They interpret the law, provide advice, and draft legislation.

A high level of education (at least a bachelor’s degree) combined with professional experience are essential for job holders in this category. To become a judge, you need at least seven years’ experience as a magistrate or legal practitioner.

  1. Chief Executive Officer or Managing Director $177,506

This group comprises 224,015 individuals, which is by far and away the largest contingent in this ATO top ten.

The category is broad, which should be encouraging for those who don’t aspire to a career in medicine! If you aim high in your industry sector – and succeed –chances are you will be financially rewarded.

  1. Financial Investment Advisor or Manager $169,608

Another role where you gain an income by making money for others. Financial investment advisors and managers develop financial plans for individuals and organisations. They invest client funds in securities, insurance, pension plans and real estate.

A bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, like finance or accounting, is generally the minimum requirement to access this field. Professionals are also required to register with the Australian Security and Investments Commission.

Well, it certainly pays to be a specialist medical professional! But, if that’s not for you, there’s no cause for alarm; there are plenty of other occupations on the list. Perhaps you’re interested in managing people’s finances . . . and making a decent income for yourself in the process? Or maybe you’ve always aspired to work in mining? And then, there’s the opportunity to rise to the top of whichever profession you choose, and watch your monthly earnings grow as you do. It pays not only to select a career that will pay well, but one that you love.

Ready to aim high with your next career step? Contact the professional team at Optimal Recruitment today on info@optimalrecruitment.com.au or 02 8416 4181.