When you think about branding, you may think about products and services: colours, logos and messaging that catch your eye. But how much attention do you pay to your own brand? Everyone has one, whether you’re aware of it or not. From the work you do to the way you interact with others, you are sending out a clear signal about the type of person you are. Being actively aware about your brand and working to fine tune it are important.

Here are 5 tips for building a compelling personal brand.

Be Uniquely Authentic

Be true to yourself and let your identity and personality shine through. Everyone has a different story to share that is shaped by their experience, culture, education, beliefs and so much more. Be proud of your uniqueness. If you try to be someone else, chances are your personal brand will not stand up to scrutiny.

Reflect on Your Values

Your values are an integral part of your personal brand so think about what is important to you. Perhaps you are interested in health, fitness and wellbeing. Or dedicated to sustainability and the environment. Or maybe you’re committed to diversity and inclusion. Your personal brand will gain a massive boost if your actions and activities are in alignment with your values, in the workplace and outside it.

Create Valuable Input

Consider how can you use your values, unique experience and skills to build your brand. Seek out opportunities that you are passionate about. If the environment is important to you, join your organisation’s “green team” and promote sustainable initiatives at work. If you have deep experience recruiting and managing diverse teams, share it with managers in your organisation and industry sector. People will see what you are doing and gain a clearer understanding of who you are and what you stand for.

Build a Network

You can refine your personal brand by surrounding yourself with people who share similar values and beliefs to your own. By joining your organisation’s “green team”, you’ll meet a group of people who are as passionate about sustainability as you are. By sharing your experience of managing diverse teams, you’ll connect with others who are keen to know more and put it into practice. But bear in mind that each individual in your network will bring different experiences and perspectives with them. Take advantage of the opportunity to discuss and debate issues with others. This will help to consolidate your ideas and enhance your brand.

Grow Your Online Presence

Tap into the virtual world to amplify your personal brand. LinkedIn is an obvious choice for professionals in many sectors. To start, find content that interests you and resonates with your brand. Follow influencers or join groups whose messaging is consistent with your values. And when you’re ready, comment on posts where you have something valid to say or share them with your followers…and then, generate your own content. Be consistent and be determined. Building and maintaining an online presence takes time, effort and patience.

Your personal brand is a celebration of who you are and what is important to you. Make it compelling by staying true to yourself and reaching for opportunities and people who are in alignment with your values. This will help you work towards a future that resonates with your aspirations and fits with who you uniquely are.

Share your personal branding story with the professional team at Optimal Recruitment on info@optimalrecruitment.com.au or 02 8416 4181.